Imagine a world that was perfect and had no hate or pain, now snap back to reality, our world isn’t close to that description. The world needs help being happy all around, because 1 wrong word can send you into a tail spin. Making people feel happy is a very important objective, teach people to find the silver lining in situations, even if their whole life is coming unglued. I am very selfless, I know it sounds like bragging, but it’s true. I love to make others around me happy, especially my family. To see smiles on peoples faces is like seeing a rainbow after a storm. I try to stay nice and keep my cool. I always end up talking too much, though, or maybe keep adding on to a situation trying to make it better. The point is if you keep people happy they will spread happiness throughout the world, I will make a change 1 person at a time.
To see you smile…